Ad-hoc group on Promoting attractive research careers


ERA Action 4 on “Promoting attractive research careers” has a very broad portfolio spanning from activities related to European Competence Framework for Researchers to issues of inter-sectoral mobility, balanced talent circulation, the conceptualization of a partnership for young researchers and the Reform of the ERA Talent Platform. At its heart is the development of a comprehensive European Framework for Research Careers in 2023 and the related adoption by the Council in 2024. To better coordinate these activities between the European Commission and the Member States and to receive early input on key documents currently in preparation an ad-hoc group has been created.

The group will meet around 2-3 times per year and beyond working on input for planned activities and documents, thematic discussions e.g. on national legislative frameworks and related barriers, the precarity of researcher careers and the working conditions of young researchers are foreseen.

Co-sponsors of this action are Portugal and the Coimbra Group, who work closely with the Commission to help advance the work.