ERA Partnership
The ERA Partnership indicates a set of measures suitable for completing the European Research Area. Based on an analysis of Europe's research performance and effectiveness and a stakeholder consultation, the European Commission proposed six priorities for changes. These priorities are:
- More effective national research systems – including increased competition within national borders and sustained or greater investment in research;
- Optimal transnational co-operation and competition - defining and implementing common research agendas on grand challenges, raising quality through Europe-wide open competition, and constructing and running key research infrastructures effectively on a pan-European basis;
- An open labour market for researchers - to ensure the removal of barriers to researcher mobility, training and attractive careers;
- Gender equality and gender mainstreaming in research – to end the waste of talent which Europe cannot afford, and to diversify views and approaches in research and promote excellence;
- Optimal circulation, access to and transfer of scientific knowledge - including via digital ERA - to guarantee access to and uptake of knowledge by all;
- International Cooperation.
The partnership between EU member states, associated countries and the Commission is represented by the European Research Area and Innovation Committee (ERAC).
There is also a partnership between the Commission and European stakeholder organisations to work together towards achieving the ERA.The following asociations signed an ERA declaration in 2012:
- European Association of Research and Technology Organsiations (EARTO)
- European University Association (EUA)
- League of European Research Universities (LERU)
- Science Europe
- Nordforsk
- DOCUMENT European Universities in ERA: Building on Strengths
- DOCUMENT Socio-economic Benefits of the European Research Area
- DOCUMENT ERA Declarations of European Stakeholder Organisations
- DOCUMENT A Maastricht for Research
- DOCUMENT Council Conclusions on A Reinforced European Research Area Partn…
- DOCUMENT A Reinforced European Research Area Partnership for Excellence a…
- DOCUMENT The European Research Area Partnership 2008 Initiatives
- DOCUMENT ERA Vision 2020 - Implementation Plan
- DOCUMENT 2020 Vision for the European Research Area