Establish an efficient and effective ERA monitoring mechanism
As set out on the Council Recommendation for a Pact for research and innovation in Europe, a framework for a transparent monitoring mechanism consisting of an ERA scoreboard at EU level, an ERA dashboard at national level and a policy platform will be proposed in the first half of 2022 and developed the second half of 2022. The monitoring mechanism will address the progress of the implementation at EU and national level, and if necessary, revise priorities and actions.
The online policy platform will help facilitate the identification of running and planned measures contributing to implementation of ERA as statedin action 18.
Based on the ERA study, consultations with the ERA Forum and other stakeholders, a few experts will investigate how to develop an efficient and effective monitoring mechanism for an evidence-based policy making and monitoring of the progress in the European Research Area.
The ERA scoreboard, dashboard and policy platform will be developed and managed by the European Commission in cooperation with external experts, the Member States and ERA stakeholders.