Research Infrastructures
04 Jun 2024
The creation of the European Research Area (ERA), through European level activities in the area of research infrastructures, such as the ESFRI Roadmaps and the ERIC Legal Framework, have radically transformed the availability of state-of-the-art facilities for scientists and innovators, reinforcing Europe’s strong research and innovation system.
As the maturity of the research infrastructure landscape grows, new challenges emerge which require maintaining excellence and competitiveness of the ERA in the long term while better addressing scientific and political needs, notably key societal challenges. For that purpose, we must take stock of the European research infrastructure landscape and identify possible gaps and directions for future development, ensure that all researchers and innovators in Europe can access research infrastructures to address their needs and increase the impact on the economy and society.
This action consists of a set of activities specifically aimed at addressing the above objectives and strengthening the European research infrastructure ‘ecosystem’.
- Strategic analysis of the European Research Infrastructure landscape
- Broader and more sustainable access for all countries to European research infrastructures and their services and revision of the European Charter of Access to Research Infrastructures
- Update of the ESFRI Roadmap and implementation of the research infrastructures performance monitoring framework
- Report on the ERIC Framework
- Increased cooperation between research infrastructures, e-infrastructures and stakeholders, including through EOSC.